Monday 12 September 2011

Las Islas Cies beach in Galicia, Spain

Las Islas Cies beach in Galicia, Spain
Las Islas Cies beach in Galicia, Spain 
This has to be one of the best beaches in Europe and what is interesting is that it is one of the few beaches not in the Mediterranean. When most people think of a beach holiday is Spain, the Mediterranean cost usually is the first thing to spring to mind, but Las Islas Cies is on the western coast of Spain.

Delving a little further, you will see that Las Islas Cies beach is not only a fantastic beach, but also very exotic and I guess the best bit is you don't have to travel to a far off destination to get there  

Las Islas Cies beach in Galicia, Spain
Las Islas Cies beach in Galicia, Spain
Las Islas Cies beach in Galicia, Spain
Las Islas Cies beach in Galicia, Spain

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